About Us

About Us


I am Gaurav sethi , Founder of GripexFootwear.com

we Started our journey in year 2009 and working till day , In this Period of time we saw so many changes to the entire bussiness sector like 

  • Gst 
  • Demonitization
  •  Covid impact 
  • Lockdown Impact 
  •  Ecommerse revolution 

But We At Gripex Footwear are always tried to adjust and run again in the race.

And Now after the market demand for Zero commition and easy approchable way to connect to our Customers we launched Our web site 


to connect with our customers direct 24x7 and share complete catalogs along with price and videos of products for better understanding and visuals of procuts at wholesale price with all the possible EASE OF BUSSINESS. 

We Provide our customers :

  1. Better service
  2. Easy to order
  3. Cash on deliver and Door delivery 
  4. 24x7 available to show products by website
  5. Easy exchange and refunds .

we are at GRIPEX FOOTWEAR at service for you with 

“Apki apni wholesale ki dukaan”


8 AM - 9 PM

Delivering To

All Locations

Free Shipping

₹ 1 & Above

Connect with us

WZ-251 , Madipur village
West Delhi, Delhi - 110063, India

Check Location on Google Map

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